Club Championship

Beltrami Club Championship – Round 3


In 2022/23, Queens Park Members have the opportunity to compete in our five round Club Championship, supported by our season sponsor Beltrami & Co.

Each round has a ‘designated date’. This is a Tuesday evening club night at which we encourage Members to play their Beltrami Club Championship games in our usual venue.

Games are played over-the-board at the 60+0 time control, under Chess Scotland rules, involving use of a clock and notating moves. One point is awarded for a win, and half a point for a draw. Using the Swiss pairings format, the number of points Members are on will determine who they are drawn against in the next round – i.e. “winners play winners”.

The designated date for round 3 is Tuesday 21 February, with a 6:45pm start time in The Bungo.


If you are participating in the Club Championship, and cannot make this date, please contact Tournament Controller Alex Lane, or another Member of the Committee, by WhatsApp or email, and we will work with you and your opponent to reschedule.

There were a number of defaults in round 2. Those who do not turn up for their game, or notify us in advance, risk inconveniencing their opponent and forfeiting the game. Repeat offenders may be removed from the tournament, as those affected have to wait around for an opponent to show up, and also miss out on the opportunity for a graded game. We appreciate all cooperation in making the tournament an enjoyable experience for everyone taking part.

The round 2 standings and the round 3 pairings follow below.

Paul Cumming (left, facing) is one of seven in the leading pack

Standings After R2

38 players were paired in the second round, which saw some notable results. Among the winners were Wull ‘giant-killer’ Swales, whose against-the-odds victory was immortalised in a special Club Newsletter illustration.

The full results are available on this website.

The results have also been graded and published by Chess Scotland.

The standings, with seven players on the maximum two points, are:

1Ash Angappan02
2Connor Thompson02
3Tommy Lally15952
4Craig Thomson15802
5Rhys McCrosson15032
6Paul Cumming14342
7Giuseppe Bosco14112
8Harvey Dellanzo13731
9Graeme McKinnon13391
10Alex Lane14331
11Derek Rankine13381
12Ryan McGill01
13Wull Swales01
14Caitlin McCulloch11281
15Iain Shields11151
16Chris Dinwoodie10361
17Andrew Speirs01
18Jonathan Linney01
19Philip Blaber12531
20Sagar Kukreja01
21Alistair Ahmed16351
22Ronnie Martin01
23Paul Stewart01
24Rhys Brown01
25Stewart Gray14491
26Thomas Fowley01
27Gemma Dickson01
28Douglas Veitch00.5
29Moray Lennox00.5
30Jass McNeill12540
31Harry Thomson00
32Jackie Logan00
33James Carson00
34Jordan McNaught14230
35Michael Mathieson00
36Greg Forrest00
37Sachin Vats00
38Ethan Small00
39Aidan Doye00
Boards 1 & 2 in R2, clockwise from left: Tommy L., Derek, Iain & Rhys M.

Round 3

With more new Club Members joining, there will be 42 participants in round three. The pairings are:

Designated date: Tue 21 Feb, 6:45pm

1Paul Cumming14340-1Tommy Lally1595
2Craig Thomson15801-0Giuseppe Bosco1411
3Ash Angappan00-1Rhys McCrosson1503
4Graeme McKinnon13390-1Connor Thompson0
5Harvey Dellanzo13731-0Wull Swales0
6Ryan McGill0.5-.5Alex Lane1433
7Derek Rankine13381-0Ronnie Martin0
8Sagar Kukreja0.5-.5Caitlin McCulloch1128
9Iain Shields11150-1Rhys Brown0
10Gemma Dickson00-1Chris Dinwoodie1036
11Alistair Ahmed16351-0Andrew Speirs0
12Jonny Linney00-1Thomas Fowley0
13Stewart Gray14490-1*Philip Blaber1253
14Douglas Veitch01-0*Harry Thomson0
15Jass McNeill12540-1Moray Lennox0
16Aidan Doye01-0Andy Chisholm0
17Jackie Logan00-1David Logue1579
18Paul Chapman00-1*Jordan McNaught1423
19Michael Mathieson01-0*Riccardo Olivier0
20Thomas McAleer00-1Sachin Vats0
21Greg Forrest01-0Gary Collins0
* default win

This table will be updated over February and early March as results come in.

The designated date for round 4 is Tuesday 4 April.

Please contact us if you have any queries about the Club Championship.

Giuseppe (left) will be on board two vs Craig Thompson in round three.
Club Championship

Beltrami Club Championship – Round 2


In 2022/23, Queens Park Members have the opportunity to compete in our five round Club Championship, supported by our season sponsor Beltrami & Co.

Each round has a ‘designated date’. This is a Tuesday evening club night at which we encourage Members to play their Beltrami Club Championship games in our usual venue.

If Members are not available on this date, Tournament Controller Alex Lane will work with you and your opponent to find an alternative date – and possibly a different venue – that suits both players.

Games are played at the 60+0 time control, under Chess Scotland rules, involving use of a clock and notating moves. One point is awarded for a win, and half a point for a draw. Using the Swiss pairings format, the number of points Members are on will determine who they are drawn against in the next round – i.e. “winners play winners”.

Round 1

32 players competed in the first round. Unusually, all games were decisive, with no draws. Round one winners included the Club’s highest rated players Tommy Lally (1616) and Craig Thomson (1582), and defending champion Rhys McCrosson (1477).

On the lower boards, unrated newcomers Connor Thompson, Andrew Speirs, Ash Angappan and Paul Stewart also picked up full points.

The full results are available on this website.

The results have also been graded and published by Chess Scotland.

All round 1 games were played in November 2022

Round 2

Seven new members joined the Beltrami Club Championship at round two. Most games were played on the designated date of Tuesday 10 January at 6:45pm.

The results follow:

1Tommy Lally16161-0Derek Rankine1318
2Chris Dinwoodie10250-1Craig Thomson1582
3Rhys McCrosson14771-0Iain Shields1093
4Andrew Speirs00-1Paul Cumming1432
5Giuseppe Bosco14111-0Greg Forrest0
6Connor Thompson01-0Harvey Dellanzo1373
7Graeme McKinnon13390-1Ash Angappan0
8Paul Stewart00-1*Alistair Ahmed1606
9Wull Swales01-0Jass McNeill1254
10Caitlin McCulloch11280-1Ryan McGill0
11Ronnie Martin01-0Aidan Doye0
12Moray Lennox00.5-0.5Douglas Veitch0
13Harry Thomson00-1Sagar Kukreja0
14Rhys Brown01-0*Jackie Logan0
15James Carson00-1*Gemma Dickson0
16Sachin Vats00-1*Jonny Linney0
17Jordan McNaught14220-1*Stewart Gray1449
18Thomas Fowley01-0Michael Mathieson0
19Philip Blaber12601-0*Ethan Small0
* = Default Win

The designated date for round three is Tuesday 21 February. The draw will be shared with Club Members via email and WhatsApp, and posted on the blog section.

Please contact us if you cannot play your game on this date and we will work with you and your opponent to reschedule. Those in the draw who do not turn up to play their fixture, or notify the Club in advance, risk a loss by default.

Club Meetings Events

Leaderboard, Leagues & More

November 2022 was another packed month for the Club. Business continued for our three teams in the Glasgow and Dunbartonshire Chess Leagues, the Beltrami Club Championship got underway, and we initiated a Club Leaderboard. We were represented at national tournaments in Oban and Livingston, and we hosted a group of visitors from the admirable Freedom From Torture charity.

We reached an impressive milestone of 40 members, making Queens Park one of the bigger chess clubs in Scotland. That is all the more impressive given it doesn’t include non-members who: join us in Wellcroft Bowling Club for casual chess on Tuesdays; play in the Thursday Chess Group; and/or join our meetups on Sunday mornings. Full details follow.

Beltrami Championship

32 players competed in the first round of our Club Championship, sponsored by law firm Beltrami & Co. The tournament provides an opportunity for members of all abilities to test their classical skills, gain or improve upon a national rating, and compete for the prestigious trophy.

Round one winners included the Club’s highest rated players Tommy Lally (1616) and Craig Thomson (1606), and defending champion Rhys McCrosson (1477). On the lower boards, unrated newcomers Connor Thompson, Andrew Speirs, Ash Angappan and Paul Stewart also picked up full points. Full results here.

Round two, which has the designated date of Tuesday 10 January, will see six new Members join the tournament. Players unavailable on this date may arrange for their game to take place later in January. The round two draw will be made by Tournament Controller Alex Lane in early December, and will pair winners against winners using the Swiss format.

All round one games concluded in November

Club Leaderboard

This month saw the launch of Queens Park’s own elo system in a special Club Leaderboard administered by Club President Graeme McKinnon. “Queens Park elo” does not contribute to Chess Scotland or FIDE ratings – but it does provide all-important bragging rights.

The Leaderboard is open to members and non-members alike, and simply involves playing a timed over-the-board rapid game (10+0, 15+0 or 30+0) with another player during a Club night, and recording the outcome in a score slip.

All players start at 1200. At the end of November, Rhys McCrosson leads and is the first player to cross the 1300 threshold, out of more than 30 players that have played at least one Leaderboard game to date. Click here to see the standings and rules.

Driven: Rhys leads in no. games and rating

Oban Congress

Congratulations to Queens Park’s Jordan McNaught, a surprise joint winner of the Major section of the 2022 Oban Congress. Jordan, ungraded, was one of three players to share the prize money with 3.5/5.

Just behind on 3/5 were Alex Lane and Alex Radevic, while Derek Rankine scored 2.5/5. With Queens Park supplying the three lowest seeds of 14 players, it was an impressive outcome for the Club.

Oban: (l-r) Alex R, Zizheng, Alex L, Derek, Iain & Jordan

Queens Park was also represented in the Minor section by Iain Shields, who got 2.5/5, while Strathclyde Uni’s Liu Zizheng, who regularly visits Queens Park, achieved 2/5 in the Challengers section.

The five round classical tournament (75 mins per player for the first 30 moves, then an additional 30 mins per player) was held in Oban’s Royal Hotel on the weekend of 18-20 November.

International Master Andrew Greet, who will be visiting Queens Park on 31 January 2023 for a special 22 board simultaneous exhibition, won the tournament’s Open section with 4.5/5. An invitation to the simul will be shared with Members in early January.

Jordan collecting his well-earned Oban prize money

Livingston Allegro

A Queens Park delegation was in attendance at a Scottish Chess Tour rapid tournament in Livingston’s Mercure Hotel on 8 November. In a tough Major section, Graeme McKinnon scored 2/5 and Jordan McNaught got 1/5.

In the internationally rated Minor section, Connor Thompson achieved three consecutive wins to finish on 3/5, while Jonny Linney got 2/5 and Ryan McGill got 1/5. The time control for the five round Swiss pairings event was 20+10.

Livingston: (l-r) Connor, Jordan, Ryan, Graeme & Jonny

Freedom From Torture

The international charity Freedom From Torture, which provides therapy and support for people who are recovering from torture, visited Queens Park this month. The charity’s Scottish branch runs a chess group for some of its service users. On 23 November, the group joined us for some casual games and advice on learning and development.

Our Members greatly enjoyed meeting the group and sharing some tips around opening principles and middlegame strategy. The group have an open invitation to join us again anytime in future.

Freedom From Torture’s chess group visited Queens Park

Monthly Interview

Our interview series continued with Ryan McGill as our November subject. Ryan is an enthusiastic new Member who arrived at Queens Park Chess Club via our local partner, Thursday Chess Group.

In his interview, Ryan tells us about how his interest in the game developed, picks out several highlights from his first few months in the Club, and shares some useful advice to newer players.

Meanwhile, the Thursday Chess Group is also growing in size. This month they set up home in a new location, the Corona Bar in Shawlands. Thanks to a successful joint bid to the Thriving Govanhill Fund, players no longer have to bring their own chess sets, and can turn up for a game anytime from 6pm on Thursday.

Our Thursday Group partners in their new venue, Corona Bar

Endgame Class

Our internal Club training sessions continued with Alex Radevic hosting one on practical endgames on 29 November. Alex used our new demonstration board (purchased with Thriving Govanhill funding) to set up and work through a series of positions with a group of eight.

Next month, Graeme McKinnon will take a class on developing an opening repertoire. The session will be particularly valuable to those at intermediate level who are less clear about how to build up an appropriate depth of knowledge in their favoured openings. A session invitation will be shared via the Club Member WhatsApp group next month.

League Update

Queens Park’s impressive start in the Glasgow Chess League continued with a 2-2 draw away to the Glasgow University A team on 16 November. The result, achieved from wins by Tommy Lally and Paul Cumming on boards two and four respectively, keeps Queens Park’s promotion chances in good health at the top of Division 3b.

In the Dumbarton & District Chess League, Queens Park’s A team in Division 1 lost 0.5-3.5 at home to Stepps A. Craig Thomson achieved Queens Park’s half point by drawing an opponent rated more than 400 points higher, and ungraded Connor Thomson put up a tremendous fight against 2000+ rated Stepps opponent John Henderson.

Queens Park’s B team had mixed fortunes in Division 2 of the Dunbartonshire League. Caitlin McCulloch captained the team to an impressive 3.5-0.5 win away to a Giffnock side featuring her father, Andy, on 7 November. The following week, on 15 November, the team suffered a 4-0 defeat at home to an impressive Strathclyde University side. The second game saw league debuts for new and ungraded Queens Park Members Sachin Vats, Greg Forrest and Sagar Kukreja.

Queens Park lead Division 3b of the Glasgow Chess League

The Dunbartonshire teams are frequently rotated with a view to giving newer players experience alongside some of our higher rated Members. Those wishing to join a future team are encouraged to respond to calls for league players issued by captains in the Members WhatsApp group.

As some Members have reported difficulty finding the latest league tables, this website will feature a regularly updated set of tables on a dedicated new League Info page. In addition, our website calendar also provides detail on all league fixtures across the 2022/23 season, as well as special events.

National Ambition

In early 2023, Queens Park will be going national. We have registered teams in two Scotland-wide Cup competitions – the Spens and the Richardson.

The ‘first’ Queens Park Chess Club, which was active from the 1870s to the 1930s, won the prestigious Spens Cup on several occasions. While it is unlikely we will match their success on our first try, we will look forward to following in their footsteps and testing ourselves against other Clubs across the country in the five board Cup.

Queens Park may be entering the Scottish National Chess League too. The Committee are considering an invitation to join Division Five for the current season, with fixtures beginning in January.

The historic Queens Park Club first won the Spens Cup in 1903

Public Posters

The posters highlight the three busy chess meetups

Finally, those in Govanhill and Shawlands may have spotted our above poster, highlighting the three regular and free-to-attend chess meetups around Queens Park. The posters are currently on display in community noticeboards and selected venues.

As always, current and prospective Members and regulars are encouraged to contact Graeme (President) or Derek (Secretary) with any queries on recent and forthcoming activity.

Club Championship

Beltrami Club Championship – Round 1 Draw


Last season, Queens Park held it first ever Club Championship. 20 players competed in the five round classical tournament between January and May 2022, testing their skills in a formal, competitive setting. The results were published and graded by Chess Scotland.

The closely fought contest was won on tiebreak by Rhys McCrosson, who finished equal on points with Aidan Doye, and half a point ahead of Alex Radevic.

This season, with sponsorship support from Beltrami & Co. Solicitors, the tournament will be even bigger, and a special engraved trophy will be awarded to the winner.

Can the champion defend his hard-won title? Will Aidan mount another challenge? Could one our many new members – tournament prize-winners among them – emerge victorious? Will we see some big rating upsets? There is only one way to answer these questions….

Jonny (l) & Giuseppe (r) met in round one

How It Works

The five round tournament starts in November 2022. Subsequent rounds will take place over the remainder of the season, concluding at the end of May 2023. Each round has a “designated date”. This is a Tuesday evening club night at which we encourage Members to play their Beltrami Club Championship games in our usual venue.

If Members are not available on this date, Tournament Controller Alex Lane will work with you and your opponent to find an alternative date – and possibly a different venue – that suits both players.

Each game will last up to two hours, at the 60+0 time control, played under Chess Scotland rules, involving use of a clock and notating moves.

One point is awarded for a win, and half a point for a draw. Using the Swiss pairings format, the number of points Members are on will determine who they are drawn against in the next round – i.e. “winners play winners”.

For newer players, the Beltrami Club Championship provides a valuable introduction to competitive, classical chess, and results will count towards achieving a national grading.

In the event of tied scores, the Sonneborn-Berger score will be used to determine final placings. This takes the performances of players’ opponents into account.

Jordan (l) vs Harvey (r) on board six

Round 1 Draw

Designated date: Tuesday 1 Nov, 6:45pm

1Douglas Veitch00-1Tommy Lally1620
2Craig Thomson15901-0Harry Thomson0
3Jackie Logan00-1Rhys McCrosson1477
4Paul Cumming1437D-0James Carson0
5Jonny Linney00-1Giuseppe Bosco1411
6Harvey Dellanzo13541-0Jordan McNaught0
7Michael Mathieson00-1Graeme McKinnon1339
8Alex Lane13161-0Philip Blaber0
9Ryan McGill00-1Derek Rankine1277
10Jass McNeill12540-1Connor Thompson0
11Greg Forrest00-1Caitlin McCulloch1128
12Iain Shields11221-0Wull Swales0
13Sagar Kukreja00-1Chris Dinwoodie1025
14Aidan Doye00-1Paul Stewart0
15Gemma Dickson00-1Andrew Speirs0
16Ash Angappan01-0Ronnie Martin0
D = default win

The above table will be updated as results come in. Once all round one outcomes are confirmed, they will be shared with Chess Scotland for grading, a standings table will be produced, and pairings for round two will be generated.

For any questions about the Beltrami Club Championship, Members can contact Alex Lane via WhatsApp.

Gemma vs Andrew on board 15
Club Championship

21/22 Club Championship – The Winner Is…


Govanhill’s 2021/22 Club Championship concluded in May 2022. The five-round Classical tournament, which uses Swiss pairings to match winners against winners, was a tightly fought contest.

The results follow, and are also available on the Chess Scotland website.

Wellcroft Bowling Club’s Ian, pictured above, made the ceremonial first move on board one in the final round.

The Winner Is…

Congratulations to Rhys McCrosson, who wins on tiebreak after finishing joint first with Aidan Doye.

Rhys and Aidan both finished with an impressive four wins each, but Rhys edged ahead on tiebreaks using the Sonneborn Berger system, which takes opponents’ strength into account.

Alex Radevic finished in third place, one half point behind. 20 players competed in the Championship, the first in the Club’s history, and 11 played all five rounds.

Final Standings

1Rhys McCrosson412.51634
2Aidan Doye4100
3Alex Radevic3.58.251411
4Harvey Dellanzo381356
5Graeme McKinnon350
6Derek Rankine2.54.751272
7Peter Mark2.540
8Libor Masar2.53.50
9Giuseppe Bosco231411
10Julien Papillon231192
11Ethan Small230
12James Todd220
13Jass McNeill120
14Angus Gillies120
15Niall McCamley110
16Alex Lane100
17Harry Thomson100
18Jonny Stark000
19Jegan N’Dow000
20James Higgins000
* The Sonneborn-Berger score is used to determine placings in the event of tied scores.

Round 5 Results

  1. Alex Radevic 1-0 Rhys McCrosson
  2. Harvey Dellanzo 0-1 Aidan Doye
  3. Derek Rankine 0-1 Graeme McKinnon
  4. Peter Mark 1-0 Julien Papillon
  5. Libor Masar 1-0 Jass McNeill
  6. Giuseppe Bosco 1-0 Niall McCamley
  7. Angus Gillies 0-1 Alex Lane (default win)
  8. Jegan N’Dow 0-1 Harry Thomson (default win)

A second Club Championship is planned for the 2022/23 season.

Following a summer break, next season will begin with the first Club meeting on Tuesday 30 August 2022.

Club Championship

Club Championship – Round 5 Draw – Tue 10 May


The penultimate round of Govanhill’s 2021/22 Club Championship took place in April.

Rhys maintains the lead with a 100% record, while Harvey and Aidan also won their games to move up into second and third place respectively. A point separates the top three, and the mid-table is also closely bunched, with one point between 4th and 11th.

The Swiss format tournament will conclude with a final round in May. The results, standings and round four draw follow.

Individual results and overall standings are also available on the Chess Scotland website.

Round 4 Results

  1. Rhys McCrosson 1 – 0 Derek Rankine
  2. Graeme McKinnon 0 – 1 Harvey Dellanzo
  3. Ethan Small 0 – 1 Aidan Doye
  4. Alex Radevic 1 – 0 Libor Masar
  5. Julien Papillon 1 – 0 Jass McNeill
  6. Niall McCamley 0 – 1 James Todd
  7. Alex Lane 0 – 1 Giuseppe Bosco
  8. Jegan N’Dow 0 – 1 Peter Mark (default win)
  9. Harry Thomson 0 – 1 Angus Gillies

Standings After Round 4

1Rhys McCrosson410.51499
2Harvey Dellanzo361334
3Aidan Doye35.50
4Derek Rankine2.54.251266
5Alex Radevic2.53.251394
6Ethan Small22.50
7Julien Papillon221192
8Graeme McKinnon220
9James Todd21.50
10Libor Masar1.51.50
11Peter Mark1.510
12Giuseppe Bosco11.51407
13Jass McNeill11.50
14Angus Gillies11.50
15Niall McCamley110
16Alex Lane000
17Harry Thomson000
18Jegan N’Dow000
19James Higgins000
20Jonny Stark000
* The Sonneborn-Berger score is used to determine placings in the event of tied scores.

Round 5 Draw

Designated date: Tuesday 10 May, 6:45pm

  1. Alex Radevic (w) vs Rhys McCrosson (b)
  2. Harvey Dellanzo (w) vs Aidan Doye (b)
  3. Derek Rankine (w) vs Graeme McKinnon (b)
  4. Peter Mark (w) vs Julien Papillon (b)
  5. Libor Masar (w) vs Jass McNeill (b)
  6. Giuseppe Bosco (w) vs Niall McCamley (b)
  7. Angus Gillies (w) vs Alex Lane (b)
  8. Jegan N’Dow (w) vs Harry Thomson (b)

For any questions about the Club Championship, please contact

Club Championship

Club Championship – Round 4 Draw – Mon 11 April


Govanhill’s five-round Club Championship moved past the halfway point in March.

Rhys (pictured above, right) is leading the way by half a point after emerging victorious in a top-of-the-table battle with Aidan in round three.

The Swiss format tournament will conclude with round four in April and the final round in May. The results, standings and round four draw follow.

Individual results and overall standings are also available on the Chess Scotland website.

Round 3 Results

  1. Aidan Doye 0 – 1 Rhys McCrosson
  2. Harvey Dellanzo 1 – 0 Alex Radevic
  3. Derek Rankine 1 – 0 Julien Papillon
  4. Ethan Small 1 – 0 Niall McCamley
  5. Graeme McKinnon 1 – 0 Peter Mark
  6. Libor Masar 1 – 0 Jonny Stark (default win)
  7. Jass McNeill 1 – 0 Jegan N’Dow
  8. James Todd 1 – 0 James Higgins (default win)

Standings After Round 3

1Rhys McCrosson360
2Derek Rankine2.52.750
3Harvey Dellanzo22.51338
4Ethan Small22.50
5Aidan Doye21.50
6Graeme McKinnon21.50
7Alex Radevic1.52.251359
8Libor Masar1.51.250
9Julien Papillon111202
10Jass McNeill110
11Niall McCamley110
12James Todd10.50
13Peter Mark0.50.50
14Giuseppe Bosco001416
15Jegan N’Dow000
16Alex Lane000
17Harry Thomson000
18Angus Gillies000
19James Higgins000
20Jonny Stark000
* The Sonneborn-Berger score is used to determine placings in the event of tied scores.

Round 4 Draw

Designated date: Monday 11 April, 7:45pm

  1. Rhys McCrosson (w) vs Derek Rankine (b)
  2. Graeme McKinnon (w) vs Harvey Dellanzo (b)
  3. Ethan Small (w) vs Aidan Doye (b)
  4. Alex Radevic (w) vs Libor Masar (b)
  5. Julien Papillon (w) vs Jass McNeill (b)
  6. Niall McCamley (w) vs James Todd (b)
  7. Alex Lane (w) vs Giuseppe Bosco (b)
  8. Jegan N’Dow (w) vs Peter Mark (b)
  9. Harry Thomson (w) vs Angus Gillies (b)

For any questions about the Club Championship, please contact

Club Championship

Club Championship – Round 3 Draw – Mon 14 March


16 players are competing in Govanhill’s first Club Championship, a five-round Swiss format tournament at the 60+0 classical time control.

The Club Championship started in January, and all games in the second round have just concluded. The remaining rounds take place in March, April and May.

The results, standings and draw for round three follows.

Round 2 Results

  1. Alex Radevic 0.5 – 0.5 Derek Rankine
  2. Rhys McCrosson 1 – 0 Harvey Dellanzo
  3. Julien Papillon 0 – 1 Aidan Doye
  4. Niall McCamley 1 – 0 Jass McNeill
  5. Jonny Stark 0 – 1 Graeme McKinnon
  6. Peter Mark 0.5 – 0.5 Libor Masar
  7. James Higgins 0 – 1 Ethan Small

The results have been recorded and published by Chess Scotland.

Standings After Round 2

1Rhys McCrosson220
2Aidan Doye21.50
3Derek Rankine1.51.750
4Alex Radevic1.50.751359
5Julien Papillon10.51202
6Ethan Small10.50
7Harvey Dellanzo101338
8Graeme McKinnon100
9Niall McCamley100
10Libor Masar0.50.250
11Peter Mark0.50.250
12Jass McNeill000
13Jonny Stark000
14James Higgins000
15Jegan N’Dow000
16James Todd000
* The Sonneborn-Berger score is used to determine placings in the event of tied scores.

Round 3 Draw

Designated date: Monday 14 March 2022, 6:45pm.

  1. Aidan Doye (white) vs Rhys McCrosson (black)
  2. Harvey Dellanzo vs Alex Radevic
  3. Derek Rankine vs Julien Papillon
  4. Ethan Small vs Niall McCamley
  5. Graeme McKinnon vs Peter Mark
  6. Libor Masar vs Jonny Stark
  7. Jass McNeill vs Jegan N’Dow
  8. James Todd vs James Higgins

Please contact with any questions about the Club Championship.

Club Championship

Club Championship – Round 2 Draw – Mon 7 Feb

l-r: Harvey, Rhys & Julien are among the round one winners.


Govanhill’s first ever Club Championship is underway, with 14 players competing in a five-round Swiss tournament at the classical time control.

All round one matches were played on the week beginning 17 January 2022. The results, standings and draw for round two follows.

Round 1 Results

  1. Jass McNeill 0 – 1 Alex Radevic
  2. Harvey Dellanzo 1 – 0 Jonny Stark
  3. Libor Masar 0 – 1 Julien Papillon
  4. Derek Rankine 1 – 0 Niall McCamley
  5. Rhys McCrosson 1 – 0 Graeme McKinnon
  6. Aidan Doye 1 – 0 Peter Mark

The results have also been published by Chess Scotland.

Standings After Round 1

1Alex Radevic11359
2Harvey Dellanzo11338
3Julien Papillon11202
4Derek Rankine10
5Rhys McCrosson10
6Aidan Doye10
7Jass McNeill00
8Jonny Stark00
9Libor Masar00
10Niall McCamley00
11Graeme McKinnon00
12Peter Mark00
13James Higgins00
14Ethan Small00

Round 2 Draw

Designated date: Monday 7 February 2022, 6:45pm.

  1. Alex Radevic (white) vs Derek Rankine (black)
  2. Rhys McCrosson vs Harvey Dellanzo
  3. Julien Papillon vs Aidan Doye
  4. Niall McCamley vs Jass McNeill
  5. Jonny Stark vs Graeme McKinnon
  6. Peter Mark vs Libor Masar
  7. James Higgins vs Ethan Small

Please contact with any questions about the Club Championship.