We now formally welcome donations from all that wish to donate. Our Club is fully volunteer-lead & democratically organized, and with your help we can further promote the following ideals and benefits:

  • Educational Opportunities: Chess is a game of constant learning and growth where players can come together to help each other improve. Donations can help us to facilitate more educational events such as occasional chess seminars.
  • Community Engagement: With your support, we can continue our strong outreach efforts, engaging with local communities and fostering a sense of connection through chess. Your donations aid in organizing Club events and gatherings that bring people together, creating a vibrant chess community.
  • Cognitive Benefits: Chess is not just a game; it’s a powerful tool for enhancing cognitive abilities. Various studies have investigated the cognitive benefits gained from Chess, with one study from 2019 revealing that chess players are 15% less likely to develop dementia. A 2016 Meta analysis also yielded interesting results after aiming to answer the question: Do the benefits of chess instruction transfer to academic and cognitive skills?
  • Promotion of Diversity and Inclusivity: We’re committed to ensuring that chess is an inclusive space for all. Your contributions help us to maintain the general functioning of our Club, where the promotion of diversity, equality, and inclusivity within our club and the wider chess community, is central to our Club’s constitution.
  • Community Events and Outreach: Through your generous support, we are able to participate community events that introduce chess to new audiences. Donations to us aid in the planning and execution of Club tournaments, simultaneous exhibitions & occasional seminars that inspire more people to discover the joys of chess. Donations to us allow us to purchase new equipment, and in turn, allow us to give back to the local community by donating old equipment.

Any donations made to our Club will help us with various expenses such as:

  • Purchasing new equipment.
  • Rent.
  • League fees.
  • Purchasing tournament prizes.

Patrons that donate to the Club will be recognized for their donations by having their names displayed on this page. Names can be excluded from being shown on this page by contacting us directly or stating a preference for exclusion on the bank transaction reference. Donations should be paid to our Club bank account:

Account Name: Queens Park Chess Club
Account Number: 23879460
Sort Code: 80-22-60

The Club thanks all our patrons for their generosity.


  • Ronnie Martin [2023/24]