Club Meetings

2023 AGM Summary

Constitution adopted & new Committee elected

Each year, Queens Park holds an Annual General Meeting (AGM) for Club Members to discuss how each season went, and what changes they may wish to look at for the following season, and elect a new Club Committee.

Queens Park Chess Club’s third Annual General Meeting took place on 1 August 2023 in The Bungo, from 7-9pm.

13 Members attended the AGM. They:

  • Heard reports from the President, Secretary and Treasurer, which summarised achievements in participation and competition during a major season (2022/23) of expansion and change, which has left the Club in strong financial health.
  • Agreed a Club Constitution.
  • Elected a new Club Committee.
  • Put themselves forward for Team Captains and Setup/Storage Assistants.
  • Discussed and exchanged on Club finances, the operation of league teams, a proposed expansion of the Club Championship, creating a blitz tournament, and welcoming newcomers.
  • Voted to introduce incremental time controls to the 2023/24 Club Championship.

Full AGM minutes are available here.

Please visit our dedicated AGM page for further information on the purpose of Club AGMs and minutes from previous meetings.

The new season will begin on Tuesday 5 September, 6:30-9:30pm in The Bungo. Check out the Club Calendar for plans to arrange a blitz tournament and an introductory class on over-the-board, classical chess later in September.

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