Queens Park Chess Club has now finished for the summer, following our last meeting on Tuesday 30 May.
Can’t wait until season 2023/24 begins in September? Fear not, there are plenty of chess opportunities available in the meantime.
Read on for a note of next season’s plans, activities you can take part in this summer, and some brief highlights from 2022/23.
Next Season
The Club will continue to meet in The Bungo, from the start of September 2023, through to end May 2024, with a short winter break in the second half of December.
Club Meetings will again take place on Tuesdays, from 6:30-9:30pm. Casual players and newcomers are always welcome, and those who wish to access our competitive events can register as Members.

The key dates are:
Tue 1 August – our Annual General Meeting takes place, in The Bungo, from 7-9pm. See our blog post for a quick overview. We’ll be emailing Members closer to the time with more details.
Tue 5 September – the first Club Meeting of the new season, from 6:30-9:30pm, in The Bungo.
Please email us if you are not already on our mailing list, and would like to receive a notification on Member registrations for next season.
Summer Activity
If you miss over-the-board chess, there are two local meet-ups:
The Thursday Chess Group, which currently meets in G41 Bar in Shawlands, from 6pm to late every (you guessed it!) Thursday.

Chess in the Park, which takes place on Sunday mornings, 10am-1pm, at the Queens Park Boating Pond. In bad weather, the group moves inside to the nearby Glad Café.
If you’re looking for competitive chess, check out the Chess Scotland calendar page for national rapid and classical tournaments, many of which will feature representatives from Queens Park.
Looking to find and challenge other Club regulars online? Join Queens Park’s digital clubs on Chess.com and on Lichess.
Finally, Club Member Craig Thomson is hosting a chess event at the Bungo in the Back Lanes Festival from 1-5pm on Saturday 17 June. The event takes place in Craig’s garden in the back lane between Queen Square and Marywood Square in Strathbungo, which is within a two minute walk of The Bungo.

Season Highlights
View the Beltrami Club Championship results, which featured 45 participants.
See how our various league and cup teams performed; this season, we won our first ever league title, Division 3b of the Glasgow Chess League, earning promotion to Division 2.
Check out media items on The Club in The Herald Magazine, The Evening Times, a Spotify Podcast and on News at Ten.
Read our series of Member Interviews.

Thank You
The Club Committee are grateful to everyone who took part in any of our activities this season. We look forward to seeing you all again in the new season.
As always, follow our Instagram and our Facebook, and the website’s blog page, for regular activity updates.
Main image: “Opgave” by Albert Ter Hamsel is licensed under CC BY 2.0