Club Championship

Beltrami Club Championship – Round 1 Draw

Sponsored tournament starts in November


Last season, Queens Park held it first ever Club Championship. 20 players competed in the five round classical tournament between January and May 2022, testing their skills in a formal, competitive setting. The results were published and graded by Chess Scotland.

The closely fought contest was won on tiebreak by Rhys McCrosson, who finished equal on points with Aidan Doye, and half a point ahead of Alex Radevic.

This season, with sponsorship support from Beltrami & Co. Solicitors, the tournament will be even bigger, and a special engraved trophy will be awarded to the winner.

Can the champion defend his hard-won title? Will Aidan mount another challenge? Could one our many new members – tournament prize-winners among them – emerge victorious? Will we see some big rating upsets? There is only one way to answer these questions….

Jonny (l) & Giuseppe (r) met in round one

How It Works

The five round tournament starts in November 2022. Subsequent rounds will take place over the remainder of the season, concluding at the end of May 2023. Each round has a “designated date”. This is a Tuesday evening club night at which we encourage Members to play their Beltrami Club Championship games in our usual venue.

If Members are not available on this date, Tournament Controller Alex Lane will work with you and your opponent to find an alternative date – and possibly a different venue – that suits both players.

Each game will last up to two hours, at the 60+0 time control, played under Chess Scotland rules, involving use of a clock and notating moves.

One point is awarded for a win, and half a point for a draw. Using the Swiss pairings format, the number of points Members are on will determine who they are drawn against in the next round – i.e. “winners play winners”.

For newer players, the Beltrami Club Championship provides a valuable introduction to competitive, classical chess, and results will count towards achieving a national grading.

In the event of tied scores, the Sonneborn-Berger score will be used to determine final placings. This takes the performances of players’ opponents into account.

Jordan (l) vs Harvey (r) on board six

Round 1 Draw

Designated date: Tuesday 1 Nov, 6:45pm

1Douglas Veitch00-1Tommy Lally1620
2Craig Thomson15901-0Harry Thomson0
3Jackie Logan00-1Rhys McCrosson1477
4Paul Cumming1437D-0James Carson0
5Jonny Linney00-1Giuseppe Bosco1411
6Harvey Dellanzo13541-0Jordan McNaught0
7Michael Mathieson00-1Graeme McKinnon1339
8Alex Lane13161-0Philip Blaber0
9Ryan McGill00-1Derek Rankine1277
10Jass McNeill12540-1Connor Thompson0
11Greg Forrest00-1Caitlin McCulloch1128
12Iain Shields11221-0Wull Swales0
13Sagar Kukreja00-1Chris Dinwoodie1025
14Aidan Doye00-1Paul Stewart0
15Gemma Dickson00-1Andrew Speirs0
16Ash Angappan01-0Ronnie Martin0
D = default win

The above table will be updated as results come in. Once all round one outcomes are confirmed, they will be shared with Chess Scotland for grading, a standings table will be produced, and pairings for round two will be generated.

For any questions about the Beltrami Club Championship, Members can contact Alex Lane via WhatsApp.

Gemma vs Andrew on board 15